Health & lifestyle

7 texts to tell a girl she’s beautiful

7 Ways to Remind a Girl She’s Beautiful

Finding the words to express how you feel about someone special can be difficult. When telling a girl she’s beautiful; it’s important to find the right words to convey your feelings. Whether you’ve known her for years or only recently started talking, sending her a text to tell her she’s beautiful is a great way to show her how you feel. Here are seven texts you can send to tell a girl she’s beautiful.

  1. I Can’t Stop Thinking About How Beautiful You Are

This is a great way to start your text to tell a girl she’s beautiful because it gets right to the point. While you may want to go on to elaborate about what makes her beautiful and why you think she’s so special, this is a great way to get things started. You can use this to transition into describing other things about her that make her so special.

  1. You’re Absolutely Gorgeous, and I Can’t Take My Eyes off You

This is a great way to tell her that you think she’s beautiful and that you can’t help but stare at her. This is something that you can use in several different situations. For instance, if you want to tell her she’s beautiful after you’ve been together for a while, but you haven’t said anything for a long time, this is a great way to open up the conversation.

  1. I Can’t Help But Smile When I See You

This is a great way to let her know that you find her extremely attractive and special. Letting her know that you can’t help but smile when you see her is a way to show her that she brings you great joy and happiness.

  1. You’re the Definition of True Beauty

Letting her know that she’s the definition of true beauty is a way to let her know that she’s beautiful in every way. It is that simple.

  1. Every Time I See You, You Look More and More Beautiful

If you’ve seen her for a while and noticed that she’s been looking even more beautiful every time you see her, this is the perfect message to send her. This will make her feel special and let her know you’re enjoying your time with her.

  1. I Could Stare into Your Beautiful Eyes All Day

If she has beautiful eyes and you’ve been staring into them all day, this is a great message to send her. Letting her know that you could stare into her eyes all day will make her feel special. It will make her feel special and show her that you’re interested in her.

  1. Getting to See You Is the Highlight of My Day

Letting her know that getting to see her is the highlight of your day will make her feel special. It shows her that she’s important to you. If you’ve been talking to her for a while, this is a great way to let her know that you’re excited to see her.



Everyone loves to be complimented, and it can be difficult to know what to say to make someone feel special. If you want to tell a girl she’s beautiful, the above texts will help you get the job done.

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